American Romanian Foundation

445 Landfair Ave, Suite 403 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Tel. (USA-310) 208 7914 Fax. (USA-310) 208 4918

President's Message

Membership Registration

AmROM Purposes

Board of Directors

AmROM - American Romanian Foundation - Non-Profit Social Welfare Organization Authorized under California Tax Code 23701f to receive tax deductible donations; Federal Deductibility pending under U.S. Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3)


President's Message

Dragi prieteni ai Romaniei,

Anul 1998 promite sa fie de bun augur. Va aducem la cunostinta constituirea Fundatiei Americano-Romane, organizatie menita sa uneasca si sa stimuleze actiunile Romanilor Americani si sa le focalizeze inspre beneficiul celor doua comunitati ingemananate.

Va rugam sa ne precizati care dintre proiecte sugerati ca are prioritate in opinia dumneavoastra. Apreciem si propuneri din partea membrilor, respectiv organizarea de Conferinte asupra unor teme comune, calatorii in tara cu scopul stabilirii unor prioritati, toate cu 50% deductibilitate din taxe, sub legislatia 501 (c) (3) Americana. Cititi va rog literatura anexata in Americana.

Cu stima,
Presedinte Teodor Lungu
7 January, 1998


Membership Registration

Dear American Friend of Romania

From: AmROM (American-Romanian Foundation)

Membership Registration

Funds are needed to sponsor the projects below, and we are pleased to invite you to become a Charter Member.

Please fill out the following:

I, the undersigned, support the formation of the American-Romanian Foundation, a non-profit organization (23701f California corporation code,) in order to achieve its purposes and objectives. Major donors will be invited to join the board. Tax deductible donations may be made beginning 1998. I am willing to join as a:

CORPORATE                         $ 1,000

FOUNDING DONOR            $ 500

CHARTER MEMBER             $ 50

Name ........................................................................... . ...........................................

Address ........................................................................... . .......................................

Telephone...............................Fax................................Email ....................................

Date ...............................................

Signature ........................................................................... . ...................................

The check should be made out to: AmROM 445 Landfair Ave #403 Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA


AmROM Purposes

* To strengthen Romanian civil society by
- achieving U.S. recognition of and funding for citizen-supported foundations and non-governmental organizations;
- establishing community as well as foreign and domestic company foundations;
* To develop and coordinate
- business and economic interaction as;
- donation of books and medical supplies;
* To hold:
- cultural events;
- seminars with visiting Romanian leaders;
* To sponsor:
- tax-deductible study tours visiting Romanian economic and cultural regions;
- policy research enhancing Romania's development.


Board of Directors

Theodor Lungu President

Olga M. Lazin Chief Executive Officer

Dr. James W. Wilkie Chief Financial Officer

Elvira Opran Secretary

Cristian Calugarita Counselor

Grigore Lucutz Counselor

Valeriu Beianu Executive for Business and Economics

Radu Murgescu Jr. Executive of Information Technology