A message from the Honorary
President of the Romanian Union
Prof. univ. dr. Mircea Roman
Dear friends,
The Romanian Union is now reality! It was born from the desire to create
an organization meant to unite the Romanian Diaspora and also from the
hope of erasing the psychological borders that separate us from our
brothers. This will allow us, Romanians, to feel once again, one big and
strong family.
The Romanian Union is an international organization with representation
in 15 countries, on four continents. We are convinced that the number
will increase; the Romanian Union would become, in time, the true
representative of the Romanian Diaspora.
The Romanian Union is now just beginning its journey, but the
realization of its aspirations is guaranteed by the integrity and moral value of
its members, men and women spread throughout the world who continue
to share the destiny of the country where they were born.
I would like to thank all of those who by believing in the viability
and in the future of this organization, joined us, or will continue to
join, contributing through their involvement, knowledge and devotion
in the success of the Romanian Union.
Special thanks to my friends Liviu Cananau and Radu Murgescu, Jr.
who believed in the idea and supported me thoroughly.
Honorary President of the Romanian Union